Install framework

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The Oxford Framework is packaged as a WordPress theme and is available as a zip file from the Oxford Framework website. Here are the steps to install this framework on your WordPress site:

  1. Download latest version
  2. Upload theme to your site
  3. Activate theme
  4. Customize theme

Download latest version

Sign in to your account on the Oxford Framework site, select the theme package you want to download, and save it to your computer. Remember where you put it so you can find it later.

Upload theme to your site

Here are the steps to upload the framework to your site:

  • log in to your WordPress site as an Administrator,
  • select the Themes menu under Appearance,
  • click the Add New button,
  • click the Upload Theme button,
  • click the Choose File button,
  • select the theme file just downloaded to your computer,
  • click the Install Now button.

Activate theme

If you just performed the above steps to upload the theme, the theme zip file will upload and you will be presented with an option to Activate. Click that link and the theme will be activated.

If the theme was uploaded previously and a different theme is active, perform the following steps:

  • log in to your WordPress site as an Administrator,
  • select the Themes menu under Appearance,
  • hover over the #oxxfordframework theme,
  • click the Activate button.

Customize theme

Depending on your theme package, you'll have different options available for customization. These options are described in other posts, so we'll not repeat them here. But to get to the options, follow these steps:

  • log in to your WordPress site as an Administrator,
  • go to the Dashboard,
  • select the Framework menu.

The options available to you for customization will be displayed.

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